Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Sound Connection

There is a profound connection between the yogi, their mat and the music one hears from within or without. Whatever the beat that appeals to you, music can assist with the flow of prana and energy that moves you on your mat.  

This month we have many opportunities to experience live music starting with gathering at our favorite local spot, The Huisache Grill, every Thursday in May. It's a place to meet with real friends, hear a variety of music and enjoy delicious food and wine.  Walt Wilkins will return to Gruene Hall May 5th for another free show with the Mystiqueros.  Later in the month (Sunday, May 22nd) is the Americana Music Jam in Gruene and most every artist you can imagine will be on stage during the course of the jam. The music will not stop, just a switch from the front to the back of the house stages.  

Allow the music to flow through you this May as you welcome in the sounds, sights and smells of summer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Paschimottanasa - west facing pose

Paschimottanasana moves us away from the darkness (west) by opening the back side of the body and folding into the light. This week (April 11th)  we have been working through preparatory poses that help us move into the light and deepen this simple looking seated forward bend. This guide offers a review and will assist you as you take it to your home practice.  Always spend a few moments in stillness to prepare your breath and focus before beginning physical movement.  Then begin moving through any of the surya namaskara flows (ie. sun salutations A,B,C or the simple half salutation)

The seated forward bending pose called paschimottanasana requires that we prepare the front of the hips (quads and hip flexors) inner thighs and back side of the body (sacral area and hamstrings).    I will suggest several poses you are familiar with and if you cannot recall the pose, Google the name and it will walk you through step by step.  Allow 5 or more breaths on each side with each change. 

1.Pigeon pose on the right side will begin to wake up the movement in the hip socket and ascitabulim as well as lengthen the hamstrings.  Do the right side first (right is turning to the light, left is turning away from the light) and then the left.
 2. Gomukasana (seated upright leg twist like a pretzel) placing right bent knee and thigh on top of left. Then change the leg that is on top.   To intensify, fold forward over the thigh. 
 3. Recline on mat for extended leg stretch.   Keep left leg firmly grounded while you stretch right leg up through the right heel. Use hands to deepen the stretch toward your forehead while you curl your chest toward knee.   Keep rooting the right femur head to floor.  switch sides
4. Sidhasana looks like simple seated pose, but the knees are bent and spread apart as wide as possible and the tops of feet lie flat to floor.    Deepen as you root down and lengthen up through spine. Change the forward foot and do again.
5.  Virasana (heroes pose) seated with right leg bent back and left leg extended out in front. Fold over both thighs along center line of mat.    Change to left.
6.  Ardha Padmasana (half lotus) with other leg extended out on floor.    Take forward fold then change sides.
7.  Paschimottanasna (west facing pose) -   extend both legs out, move the flesh of buttocks back, lift long the torso, draw forward over thighs and hook yogi toe hold with big toes.   Float chest and spine, exhale to fold while bending both elbows out away from side body.   Head extends to toes, spine extends flat and shoulders relax away from ears.  Breath moves fluidly to release tension and       "relax into it".

Allow the back side of the body to open to the light.  Draw the light inside as you fold and hold the stillness.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kevin Welch to mesmerize at home concert

Singer/songwriter Kevin Welch will be in good company this April 17th in a living room setting at the Vintage Oaks development - New Braunfels.  I have been following this guy for years and his way with words still blows me away.  A little more worn and fully seasoned, Kevin continues to put out beautiful records that inpsire and tell our stories.  There is still time to sign up for the home concert this coming Sunday, April 17 to begin at 5pm.  Tickets are $18.  Send me a comment and we can get you on the guest list.   

Friday, April 8, 2011

Website launching - April 8th

Only five years behind on getting a website out there.  Thanks to Robert and Scott it has finally launched and will hopefully serve our students, new and old.  Thanks for your patience.  I hope you will use and contribute to the community blog.     Peace and light.    janie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back to the mat

I am looking forward to a smooth flow with my class tonight.   Seems like ages since we have met here. Hope this spring day finds you wanting to connect with your mat as well.     Peace and light.